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How to Maintain Your Garden Bed

Posted By On 24-11-2016

It’s always important to maintain your garden bed; the more maintenance you do the better your next harvest is going to be. Garden maintenance doesn’t just take place on-season but in off-season as well. Some things can be done to prepare your garden for the particular season ahead while other things can be done year-round.


Mulch can go a long way in protecting your plants during winter months. Layers of mulch can protect roots from the cold and help prevent plants from losing too much water during the cold winter months.

Assess the Weather

Know the weather conditions of the zone you live in. That will help you to determine what kind of soil you will be dealing with, what kind of seeds you can plant and how well you need to protect your plants and seeds. It will also prevent you from planting prematurely.


Cleaning is something you should be doing regularly. Cleaning out your garden keeps it free from debris and other matter that can attract unwanted pests and hinder the development of your seeds.

Winter Gardening

When the weather gets cooler, switch to crops that can survive and even thrive in cooler weather. Broccoli, spinach, carrots and evergreen flowers are some of the choices you have for winter harvesting. Check to see the particular plant variety and make sure that it is suitable for cold weather.

Tilling the Soil

This depends on how cold your area can get. If you can till the soil, this will certainly help to turn the underlying matter, such as weeds, into natural compost. If the weeds are visible pull them up, but be careful about doing that if your garden is located on a slope. The weeds can actually help to prevent soil erosion.


Cover your plants with fabric to protect them from frost. Avoid plastic covering as much as possible. Alternatively you can use large bottles or cylinders. It may be possible to get these items commercially.

Maintaining your garden bed is hard work, but if you fail to do so, your work is going to be even harder in the spring. For more advice on maintenance and equipment, contact our staff. They can help you find the right solutions for your garden.

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