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8 Important Materials For A Raised Garden Bed

Posted By On 05-09-2016

Raised garden beds are not merely aesthetic designs, they also serve a practical purpose of protecting plants in ideal conditions, free from hazards they would face at ground level: such as soil erosion, poor or rocky soil, poor drainage and accidental trampling. But, though garden beds are a necessity, you might as well make them a bit stylish. You can choose from a range of materials from simple wood to solid rocks. They vary in terms of cost, maintenance, suitability and durability—if you know your garden and its needs, you can pick the right material for your garden beds. Here is a rundown of the options:

  1. Wood

    This is your most basic material for making a raised garden bed. It’s cheap and easy to erect. It is best to use rot-resistant wood such as cedar, but you can also go with pressure-treated wood (it is considered safe for crops).

  2. Concrete

    Concrete is the second most recognizable material for raised garden beds. It fits naturally with the modern urban environment and lasts much longer than wood. The material is not expensive, but be prepared for labour costs.

  3. Masonry

    Masonry is a very solid choice if you are looking for durability, but it is certainly not the cheapest. It is also designer friendly.

  4. Cinderblock

    Cinderblock is an elegant choice for your garden bed and is widely available. It can also last for a while.

  5. Rock

    Rock is the ultimate D.I.Y. material. All you need to do is roll up your sleeves and do some heavy lifting (so make sure to lift with your knees and not your back).

  6. Galvanised Culverts

    This is one of the more innovative types of material, but you can pick pieces up for free if you look around.

  7. Stock Tanks

    Originally meant for farm animals, these are now being used for urban gardens. Although relatively inexpensive, you will need a truck to haul it to your backyard.

  8. Steel

    In terms of materials, you can’t get much more contemporary than steel. However it is not a commonly used material and is not suitable for areas near the sea.

As you can tell there are a myriad of choices for your materials. If you have trouble choosing the most appropriate one, then have a chat with our staff and they will certainly help you narrow your choices to the best material for your raised garden bed.

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