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What You Shouldn’t Store in an Outdoor Shed

Posted By On 03-10-2018

While there are many items that you can store in an outdoor shed, there are also many that you shouldn’t. In some cases, keeping items in a shed as opposed to in your home could result in spoiled food, damaged clothing, and pest problems. Let’s take a look at the items that are better stored inside the house or in a climate-controlled facility instead of your shed.


Food is something that you don’t want to store it in an outdoor shed because extremely hot temperatures or extremely cold temperatures can wreak havoc on meat and vegetables. If the temperature gets too hot inside the shed, your food could spoil. If the temperature drops below freezing, your food could freeze as well. While it may be possible to thaw the food out, it could taste different and have reduced nutritional value.

Your Old Computer

You should never store electronic items in an outdoor shed as you risk exposing them to damage while sitting in extremely hot or cold temperatures. Furthermore, it is possible that rodents or other pests will get inside the shed and chew away at their cords. This could mean that you won’t be able to plug in your computer, DVD player, or any other item that relies on electricity to work. Even if you don’t plan on using those things again, damaged electronics won’t be worth much to a charity or any other person who you want to give them to.

Cardboard Boxes

You may choose to store old clothes, holiday decorations or other items in cardboard boxes inside your shed. However, this is generally not a good idea. Instead, put those items inside of a plastic tote. Unlike cardboard, the tote will not be destroyed by water or by pests. Therefore, clothes and decorations will remain in good condition whether you choose to donate them or simply want to keep them out of the way until you use them next.

Photos and Important Documents

You should never keep photos or important documents in a shed. This is because photos are susceptible to mould if they are kept in a humid environment. The same is true for documents such as a life insurance policies or your birth certificate. As with anything else that you choose to put in a shed, they could be chewed at or eaten by pests or be destroyed by water. Ideally, you will keep them in an indoor closet or other location that is relatively dry and not exposed to excessive amounts of light.

Paint Thinner

Don’t store paint or paint thinner in an outdoor shed. This is because extreme temperatures can lead to the paint evaporating or otherwise losing its lustre. In some cases, paint thinner fumes will get into the air, which can be hazardous for those who breathe them. It is also possible for paint cans to rust if they are on a cement floor or are exposed to moisture. To prevent these problems from occurring, keep paint or similar products in the basement or attic if it is finished.


Artwork should be kept in a climate controlled facility if you don’t have space for it in your home. Otherwise, it is vulnerable to warping, cracking or other issues with the paint, canvas, or paper it was applied to. Generally speaking, it is also be a bad idea to keep art supplies such as an easel or paintbrush in a shed as these items can succumb to mould or rust.

Musical Instruments

Musical instruments should never be kept in a shed. This is because they are made of metal such as brass or copper, and most metals will corrode or rust when they come into contact with moisture or air. If you have a trombone, flute or drums, you should bring them inside as soon as possible. If you have wooden instruments, they could be permanently damaged by storing them in a shed because the wood could become weak, warped, or even crack.

A shed is a great place to keep your tools or to store pool toys when they are not in use, but are generally not the place to store anything that could spoil or otherwise be damaged by water or exposure to air. They’re also not the place to store anything that could be stolen, be eaten by pests or be covered by mould if kept in one spot for too long.

For more information about what to store in your shed, call In The Back Yard today on 1-844-212-1284 or contact us here.

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