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Shelving 6’ – 8’

Shelving 6’-8’

As we all know shelving is a must in any storage area and a shed is no different. Whether you are storing flower pots, bags of fertilizer or potting soil or Christmas lights, shelving is never left empty.

Our shelves are made using 5/8” OSB in 6’ or 8’ lengths with a depth of 13”. OSB is a strong, durable and long-lasting wood product. They can be installed on any wall against the existing 2×4 studs and mounted using screws and 3 to 4 metal brackets.

Shelving is installed once the shed is completed and do not require painting.

Check out our handy quote tool where you will be able to build the shed you want, complete with any accessory you choose. You can submit the quote directly to us and we will contact you shortly to finalize the details.

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